28 December 2010

The Design Is The Difference

Part of the Subaru R1's appeal has been it's unique styling and design. It's a breakaway from the familiar box shape and angular lines found on many small cars where design is an exercise in maximizing internal space. As a consequence, many small cars take on the familiar rectangular boxy shapes comprising of the engine compartment and internal passenger space.

The R1 takes it's inspiration from the ladybug and the body shape is reminiscent of the oval of an egg. This does have a practical safety consideration as well. Overall as a two door car, the proportions of the R1 make it stand out from many other K-cars. Hopefully this will give the car a greater visual longevity in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Denis,

    My name's shaun. I'm considering the R1 pretty seriously and wanna ask you for some opinions and comments. - especially the kind dealers won't tell you upfront.

    possible to drop me a mail?

